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This best-practice, specialized assessment includes an evaluation of the social, emotional, physical and sensory development of your little one. Child and family observations are conducted in-office and at daycare or preschool. Feedback reports and comprehensive recommendations are provided. The cost of this assessment is $750.

Specialized Assessments:

Infant and Early Childhood Mental Health Assessments (Children Ages 0-5)

Play is a child’s natural way to communicate and express themselves. Toys are their words and play is their language. Children benefit from Play Therapy in the same way that adults do from traditional counseling. When your child participates in Play Therapy Sessions, they will have the opportunity to express their feelings, experience emotional relief, develop insights as well as healthier coping skills. The cost per session is $175/55 min.

Play Therapy
(Ages 3 to 12)

Circle of Security® is a parenting program based on 50 years of attachment research. This is an evidence-informed parenting program. In a small group of brave parents, you will learn the secret hidden in plain sight, the Circle of Security, a roadmap to raising secure children. This approach teaches you how to respond to difficult behaviors and how to manage them in effective and caring ways. You will come away with relationship tools that will empower you as a parent, helping you to make sense of your child’s needs, wants and behaviors. 
The cost is $30 to $40 /50

 minute group session.

Circle of Security® Parenting Program (Small Group Sessions, Parents of Children Ages 0-5)

Parenting is the hardest job on the planet. Unfortunately, this incredibly important job does not come with an instruction manual. All parents struggle and feel they are not “getting it right”. The good news is that there are no perfect parents, just good enough ones. In these private one to one sessions, I will help you manage the daily struggles of parenting. Topics of our conversations will be tailored to the unique needs of your family and can include everything from reducing your toddlers’ tantrums to helping your little one gain greater independence and confidence. The cost per session is $175/55 minutes.


*Virtual Services are available for One to One Parenting Support Sessions

One to One Parenting Support (Parents of Children Ages 0-5)

I'm here to help

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